- Event date: 27.11.2024
- Number: 8814014
The 4th Young Scientists Congress 2024. A panel session, Comprehensive Support for Youth Projects in Microelectronics. From left: Alexey Pereverzev, Vice Rector for Innovation Development, National Research University of Electronic Technology (MIET); Yury Kazakov, Director of the Strategic Development Department, Russian Ministry of Science and Higher Education; Daria Khandogina, Head of External Communications, Foundation for Assistance to Innovation; Petr Lazarenko, Head of Active Photonics Materials and Devices Laboratory; National Research University "Moscow Institute of Electronic Technology"; Nikolay Samotaev, Deputy Director of the Low-Temperature Ceramic Technologies (LTCC) in Microelectronics youth research laboratory, Institute of Nanoengineering in Electronics, Spintronics and Photonics, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI; Maxim Solodovnik, Head of the Laboratory of Epitaxial Technologies, Institute of Nanotechnologies, Electronics and Instrument Engineering, Southern Federal University.
- Author: Alexey Nikolskiy
- Source: Photohost agency of Young Scientists’ Congress
- Location: Federal territory 'Sirius', Russia