- Event date: 27.11.2024
- Number: 8814354
The 4th Young Scientists Congress 2024. A panel session, Sharing Principles, Uniting Minds: How Scientists Can Work Together. From left: Maksim Patrushev, Head of the Kurchatov Genome Center, Kurchatov Institute National Research Center; Pavel Drogovoz, Vice Rector for Science and Digital Development, Bauman Moscow State Technical University; Denis Logunov, Deputy Director for Science, Gamaleya National Center of Epidemiology and Microbiology, Russian Ministry of Health; Vladimir Nelyub, Vice Rector for Research, Far Eastern Federal University; Yulia Ilyinova, Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Saint Petersburg State Chemical and Pharmaceutical University; Irina Rudskaya, Professor, Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University; Head, Gazprom Neft Research and Education Center for Information Technology and Business Analysis; Leonid Potapov, Head of the Program for the Development of a Training System in the Field of ITAT, Department of Information Technology, Automation and Telecommunications, Gazprom Neft; Sergey Sukhantsev, Deputy Director for Quality, Perm Scientific and Production Instrument-Making Company.
- Event: 4th Young Scientists Congress. Sharing Principles, Uniting Minds: How Scientists Can Work Together
- Author: Vitaly Timkiv
- Source: Photohost agency of Young Scientists’ Congress
- Location: Federal territory 'Sirius', Russia