- Event date: 27.11.2024
- Number: 8815537
The 4th Young Scientists Congress. Making Scientific and Technological Collaboration More Effective. From left: Kirill Zykov, Corresponding Member, Russian Academy of Sciences; Deputy Director for Research and Innovation, Research Institute of Pulmonology, FMBA of Russia; Al-Ahmar Zaher, Consul of the Syrian Arab Republic in the Russian Federation; and Andrei Naumov, Head, Troitsk Branch of the P.N. Physical Institute Lebedev of the Russian Academy of Scienceses; Head of the Department of Theoretical Physics, Moscow State Pedagogical University.
- Event: 4th Young Scientists Congress. Making Scientific and Technological Collaboration More Effective
- Author: Vitaly Timkiv
- Source: Photohost agency of Young Scientists’ Congress
- Location: Federal territory 'Sirius', Russia