- Event date: 29.11.2024
- Number: 8819184
The 4th Young Scientists Congress. Where Should Scientific Articles Be Published? Scientific Periodicals in Russia. From left: Mikhail Fomin, Deputy Director, Nauka Publishing House, Sergey Adonin, Deputy Director for Research, Irkutsk Institute of Chemistry named after A.E. Favorsky, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Andrey Naumov, Head, Troitsk Branch of the Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladislav Panchenko, Vice President, Kurchatov Institute National Research Centre, Vice President, Russian Academy of Sciences, Nikolay Fedoseenkov, Director, Nauka Publishing House, Igor Rodin, President, Eco-Vector, Nikita Buryak, Director for work with scientific teams, Colab.ws platform.
- Author: Alexey Nikolskiy
- Source: Photohost agency of Young Scientists’ Congress
- Location: Federal territory 'Sirius', Russia