4th Young Scientists Congress. Engineers: The Superheroes of the New Era *Maxim Potashev*, mathematician, marketing expert, business coach, player in What? Where? When? intellectual game show27 November#8814625
4th Young Scientists Congress. Engineers: The Superheroes of the New Era *Maxim Potashev*, mathematician, marketing expert, business coach, player in What? Where? When? intellectual game show27 November#8814687
4th Young Scientists Congress. Engineers: The Superheroes of the New Era Alexei Pereverzev, Vice Rector for Innovation Development, MIET National Research University27 November#8814688
4th Young Scientists Congress. Engineers: The Superheroes of the New Era From left: Mikhail Gordin, Rector, Bauman Moscow State Technical University, and Alexei Pereverzev, Vice Rector for Innovation Development, MIET National Research University27 November#8814685
4th Young Scientists Congress. Engineers: The Superheroes of the New Era *Maxim Potashev*, mathematician, marketing expert, business coach, player in What? Where? When? intellectual game show27 November#8814675
4th Young Scientists Congress. Engineers: The Superheroes of the New Era Alexei Pereverzev, Vice Rector for Innovation Development, MIET National Research University27 November#8814647
4th Young Scientists Congress. Engineers: The Superheroes of the New Era Mikhail Gordin, Rector, Bauman Moscow State Technical University27 November#8814630
4th Young Scientists Congress. Engineers: The Superheroes of the New Era Alexei Pereverzev, Vice Rector for Innovation Development, MIET National Research University27 November#8814614
4th Young Scientists Congress. Engineers: The Superheroes of the New Era Mikhail Gordin, Rector, Bauman Moscow State Technical University27 November#8814664
4th Young Scientists Congress. Engineers: The Superheroes of the New Era Yevgeny Abakumov, Director for Information Infrastructure, Rosatom State Atomic Energy Corporation27 November#8814611
4th Young Scientists Congress. Engineers: The Superheroes of the New Era Second left: Alexei Shelobkov, General Director, X Holding; General Director, YADRO; General Director, BUREAU 144027 November#8814521
4th Young Scientists Congress. Engineers: The Superheroes of the New Era Second left: Kirill Menshov, Senior Vice President, Head of Technology, Sberbank27 November#8814657
4th Young Scientists Congress. Engineers: The Superheroes of the New Era Alexei Shelobkov, General Director, X Holding; General Director, YADRO; General Director, BUREAU 144027 November#8814603
4th Young Scientists Congress. Engineers: The Superheroes of the New Era *Maxim Potashev*, mathematician, marketing expert, business coach, player in What? Where? When? intellectual game show27 November#8814640
4th Young Scientists Congress. Engineers: The Superheroes of the New Era *Maxim Potashev*, mathematician, marketing expert, business coach, player in What? Where? When? intellectual game show27 November#8814670
4th Young Scientists Congress. Engineers: The Superheroes of the New Era Alexei Shelobkov, General Director, X Holding; General Director, YADRO; General Director, BUREAU 144027 November#8814645
4th Young Scientists Congress. Engineers: The Superheroes of the New Era Kirill Menshov, Senior Vice President, Head of Technology, Sberbank27 November#8814637
4th Young Scientists Congress. Engineers: The Superheroes of the New Era Alexei Shelobkov, General Director, X Holding; General Director, YADRO; General Director, BUREAU 144027 November#8814668