The 4th Young Scientists Congress 2024. Science as National Pride. Nikita Krasnoshchekov, Chairman of the Council of Young Scientists and Specialists, Russian Academy of Education; Associate Professor, Department of Educational Systems Management, Faculty of Pedagogical Education, Lomonosov Moscow State University.27 November#8814463
The 4th Young Scientists Congress 2024. Science as National Pride. Alexander Vedekhin, Deputy Director of the Department of State Youth Policy and Educational Activities, Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation.27 November#8814477
The 4th Young Scientists Congress 2024. Science as National Pride. Yegor Zadeba, Assistant Professor, National Nuclear Research University MEPHI, Senior Research Associate, Scientific and Educational Center NEVOD.27 November#8814454
The 4th Young Scientists Congress 2024. Science as National Pride. Nikita Zinkov, Head, Association of Patriotic Student Clubs I am Proud.27 November#8814451
The 4th Young Scientists Congress 2024. Science as National Pride. Evgeniya Dolgova, Director, Center for the History of Russian Science and Scientific and Technological Development, Russian State University for the Humanities.27 November#8814443
The 4th Young Scientists Congress 2024. Science as National Pride. Marta Lesyuk, Deputy Head, Association of Student Patriotic Clubs "I’m Proud".27 November#8814433