4th Young Scientists Congress 2024. How Can a Scientific Journal Get onto a Whitelist? Sergei Adonin, Deputy Director for Research, Favorsky Irkutsk Institute of Chemistry, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences27 November#8815393
4th Young Scientists Congress 2024. How Can a Scientific Journal Get onto a Whitelist? Vitaly Bagan, Vice-Rector for Research, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology27 November#8815377
4th Young Scientists Congress 2024. How Can a Scientific Journal Get onto a Whitelist?27 November#8815372
4th Young Scientists Congress 2024. How Can a Scientific Journal Get onto a Whitelist?27 November#8815292
4th Young Scientists Congress 2024. How Can a Scientific Journal Get onto a Whitelist? Sergei Adonin, Deputy Director for Research, Favorsky Irkutsk Institute of Chemistry, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences27 November#8815369
4th Young Scientists Congress 2024. How Can a Scientific Journal Get onto a Whitelist? Stepan Kalmykov, Vice-President, Chairman of the Scientific Council on Global Environmental Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences27 November#8815362
4th Young Scientists Congress 2024. How Can a Scientific Journal Get onto a Whitelist? Irina Karelina, Vice President, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Executive Director, Global Universities Association27 November#8815386
4th Young Scientists Congress 2024. How Can a Scientific Journal Get onto a Whitelist? Irina Karelina, Vice President, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Executive Director, Global Universities Association27 November#8815344
4th Young Scientists Congress 2024. How Can a Scientific Journal Get onto a Whitelist? Alexei Lutai, Head of Information Resources Provision Department, Russian Center for Scientific Information27 November#8815338
4th Young Scientists Congress 2024. How Can a Scientific Journal Get onto a Whitelist? Vitaly Bagan, Vice-Rector for Research, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology27 November#8815330
4th Young Scientists Congress 2024. How Can a Scientific Journal Get onto a Whitelist? Oleg Belyavsky, Director, Russian Center for Scientific Information27 November#8815324
4th Young Scientists Congress 2024. How Can a Scientific Journal Get onto a Whitelist? Stepan Kalmykov, Vice-President, Chairman of the Scientific Council on Global Environmental Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences27 November#8815316
4th Young Scientists Congress 2024. How Can a Scientific Journal Get onto a Whitelist? Alexei Lutai, Head of Information Resources Provision Department, Russian Center for Scientific Information27 November#8815297