4th Young Scientists Congress. Science and Soft Skills: How Can Soft Skills Benefit a Career in Science? Stanislav Ivanov, Head of Sustainable Development, Bank DOM.RF27 November#8814187
4th Young Scientists Congress. Science and Soft Skills: How Can Soft Skills Benefit a Career in Science? Alexander Zykov, Resident, SPIEF Academy27 November#8814175
4th Young Scientists Congress. Science and Soft Skills: How Can Soft Skills Benefit a Career in Science? Stanislav Ivanov, Head of Sustainable Development, Bank DOM.RF27 November#8814157
The 4th Young Scientists Congress. Science and Soft Skills: How Can Soft Skills Benefit a Career in Science? Evgeniy Perepelitsa, Resident, SPIEF Academy, Maxim Vlasov, Deputy General Director, Moscow Innovation Agency, Science and Universities National Project, autonomous non-profit organization National Priorities, Stanislav Ivanov, Head of the Sustainable Development Direction, Bank DOM.RF, Arkadiy Khalyukov, General Director, Science Pulse, and Alexander Zykov, Resident of the SPIEF Academy.27 November#8814095
4th Young Scientists Congress. Science and Soft Skills: How Can Soft Skills Benefit a Career in Science? From left: Yevgeny Perepelitsa, Resident, SPIEF Academy; Maxim Vlasov, Deputy General Director, Moscow Innovation Agency, Science and Universities national project, National Priorities ANO; Stanislav Ivanov, Head of Sustainable Development, Bank DOM.RF; Arkady Khalyukov, General Director, Pulse of Science; Alexander Zykov, Resident, SPIEF Academy27 November#8814105
4th Young Scientists Congress. Science and Soft Skills: How Can Soft Skills Benefit a Career in Science? Yevgeny Perepelitsa, Resident, SPIEF Academy27 November#8814140
4th Young Scientists Congress. Science and Soft Skills: How Can Soft Skills Benefit a Career in Science? Maxim Vlasov, Deputy General Director, Moscow Innovation Agency, Science and Universities national project, National Priorities ANO27 November#8814113
4th Young Scientists Congress. Science and Soft Skills: How Can Soft Skills Benefit a Career in Science? Arkady Khalyukov, General Director, Pulse of Science27 November#8814167
4th Young Scientists Congress. Science and Soft Skills: How Can Soft Skills Benefit a Career in Science? Yevgeny Perepelitsa, Resident, SPIEF Academy; Maxim Vlasov, Deputy General Director, Moscow Innovation Agency, Science and Universities national project, National Priorities ANO27 November#8814203
4th Young Scientists Congress. Science and Soft Skills: How Can Soft Skills Benefit a Career in Science? From left: Yevgeny Perepelitsa, Resident, SPIEF Academy; Maxim Vlasov, Deputy General Director, Moscow Innovation Agency, Science and Universities national project, National Priorities ANO; Stanislav Ivanov, Head of Sustainable Development, Bank DOM.RF; Arkady Khalyukov, General Director, Pulse of Science; Alexander Zykov, Resident, SPIEF Academy27 November#8814196