The 4th Young Scientists Congress. The Genome of a Scientist: Components for Success in a Scientific Career.28 November#8816850
The 4th Young Scientists Congress. The Genome of a Scientist: Components for Success in a Scientific Career. Peter Shegay, Deputy General Director, National Medical Research Center for Radiology, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.28 November#8816870
The 4th Young Scientists Congress. The Genome of a Scientist: Components for Success in a Scientific Career. Maya Rusakova, Director of the Center for Applied Sociology, St. Petersburg State University.28 November#8816930
The 4th Young Scientists Congress. The Genome of a Scientist: Components for Success in a Scientific Career. Anastasia Pavlenko, Deputy Executive Director, Director for Strategic Partnerships, Innopraktika.28 November#8816940
The 4th Young Scientists Congress. The Genome of a Scientist: Components for Success in a Scientific Career. Bulat Zaripov, Vice-Rector, Gazprom Neft Corporate University.28 November#8816913
The 4th Young Scientists Congress. The Genome of a Scientist: Components for Success in a Scientific Career. Denis Logunov, Deputy Director for Science, Honorary Academician N.F. Gamaleya National Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.28 November#8816907
The 4th Young Scientists Congress. The Genome of a Scientist: Components for Success in a Scientific Career. Bulat Zaripov, Vice-Rector, Gazprom Neft Corporate University.28 November#8816901
The 4th Young Scientists Congress. The Genome of a Scientist: Components for Success in a Scientific Career. Yuri Fomin, Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs, St. Petersburg Polytechnic University (SPbPU).28 November#8816890
The 4th Young Scientists Congress. The Genome of a Scientist: Components for Success in a Scientific Career. Peter Shegay, Deputy General Director, National Medical Research Center for Radiology, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.28 November#8816920
The 4th Young Scientists Congress. The Genome of a Scientist: Components for Success in a Scientific Career. Maksim Patrushev, Head of the Kurchatov Genome Center, National Research Centre "Kurchatov Institute".28 November#8816894
The 4th Young Scientists Congress. The Genome of a Scientist: Components for Success in a Scientific Career. Tatyana Tikhomirova, Leading Researcher, Federal Scientific Center for Psychological and Interdisciplinary Research; Scientific Director, Federal Resource Center for Psychological Services in the System of Higher Education.28 November#8816952
The 4th Young Scientists Congress. The Genome of a Scientist: Components for Success in a Scientific Career. Tatyana Tikhomirova, Leading Researcher, Federal Scientific Center for Psychological and Interdisciplinary Research; Scientific Director, Federal Resource Center for Psychological Services in the System of Higher Education.28 November#8816881