The 4th Young Scientists Congress. Quantum Challenges and Prospects of New Challenges for Young Scientists. From left: Ilya Semerikov, Researcher, Laboratory of Optics of Complex Quantum Systems, Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Nikolai Kargin, Professor, Advisor to the Rector's Office, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI; Mikhail Kotkov, Deputy Head of the Quantum Communications Department, Russian Railways; and Arkady Shipulin, Professor, Project Center for Applied Photonics and Quantum Technologies, Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (Skoltech).28 November#8816381
The 4th Young Scientists Congress. Quantum Challenges and Prospects of New Challenges for Young Scientists. Ilya Semerikov, Researcher, Laboratory of Optics of Complex Quantum Systems, Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences.28 November#8816358
The 4th Young Scientists Congress. Quantum Challenges and Prospects of New Challenges for Young Scientists. From left: Nikolai Kargin, Professor, Advisor to the Rector's Office, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI; and Mikhail Kotkov, Deputy Head of the Quantum Communications Department, Russian Railways.28 November#8816483
The 4th Young Scientists Congress. Quantum Challenges and Prospects of New Challenges for Young Scientists. Nikolai Kargin, Professor, Advisor to the Rector's Office, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI.28 November#8816364
The 4th Young Scientists Congress. Quantum Challenges and Prospects of New Challenges for Young Scientists. Arkady Shipulin, Professor, Project Center for Applied Photonics and Quantum Technologies, Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (Skoltech).28 November#8816369
The 4th Young Scientists Congress. Quantum Challenges and Prospects of New Challenges for Young Scientists. Nikolai Kargin, Professor, Advisor to the Rector's Office, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI.28 November#8816455
The 4th Young Scientists Congress. Quantum Challenges and Prospects of New Challenges for Young Scientists. Roman Zakharchenko, Director of the Technology Transfer Center, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI.28 November#8816460
The 4th Young Scientists Congress. Quantum Challenges and Prospects of New Challenges for Young Scientists. Mikhail Kotkov, Deputy Head of the Quantum Communications Department, Russian Railways.28 November#8816463
The 4th Young Scientists Congress. Quantum Challenges and Prospects of New Challenges for Young Scientists.28 November#8816345
The 4th Young Scientists Congress. Quantum Challenges and Prospects of New Challenges for Young Scientists. Nikolai Kargin, Professor, Advisor to the Rector's Office, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI.28 November#8816494
The 4th Young Scientists Congress. Quantum Challenges and Prospects of New Challenges for Young Scientists. Ilya Semerikov, Researcher, Laboratory of Optics of Complex Quantum Systems, Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences.28 November#8816488
The 4th Young Scientists Congress. Quantum Challenges and Prospects of New Challenges for Young Scientists. Sergei Kilin, Academician, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus.28 November#8816475
The 4th Young Scientists Congress. Quantum Challenges and Prospects of New Challenges for Young Scientists. Roman Zakharchenko, Director of the Technology Transfer Center, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI.28 November#8816375
The 4th Young Scientists Congress. Quantum Challenges and Prospects of New Challenges for Young Scientists. Sergei Kilin, Academician, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus.28 November#8816491