4th Young Scientists Congress. The Future of Rural Areas and the Rural Areas of the Future: Opportunities for Science Yelena Pevtsova, Rector, Vernadsky Russian State University of National Economy28 November#8817914
4th Young Scientists Congress. The Future of Rural Areas and the Rural Areas of the Future: Opportunities for Science28 November#8817854
4th Young Scientists Congress. The Future of Rural Areas and the Rural Areas of the Future: Opportunities for Science Natalia Zinovieva, Director, Federal Reseach Center for Animal Husbandry (Leo Ernst Russian Research Institute of Animal Husbandry)28 November#8817920
4th Young Scientists Congress. The Future of Rural Areas and the Rural Areas of the Future: Opportunities for Science Viktor Malorodov, Head of the Youth Laboratory of Histology and Histochemistry, Associate Professor, Department of Zootechnics, Researcher, Laboratory of Advanced Technologies, Russian State Agricultural University (Timiryazev Moscow Agricultural Academy)28 November#8817850
4th Young Scientists Congress. The Future of Rural Areas and the Rural Areas of the Future: Opportunities for Science Yekaterina Zhuravleva, Advisor to the Chairman of the Board of Directors, EFKO28 November#8817925
4th Young Scientists Congress. The Future of Rural Areas and the Rural Areas of the Future: Opportunities for Science Darya Lykassova, Head of Strategic Development of Rural Territories, Department of Rural Development, Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation28 November#8817877
4th Young Scientists Congress. The Future of Rural Areas and the Rural Areas of the Future: Opportunities for Science Natalia Zinovieva, Director, Federal Reseach Center for Animal Husbandry (Leo Ernst Russian Research Institute of Animal Husbandry)28 November#8817923
4th Young Scientists Congress. The Future of Rural Areas and the Rural Areas of the Future: Opportunities for Science28 November#8817931
4th Young Scientists Congress. The Future of Rural Areas and the Rural Areas of the Future: Opportunities for Science28 November#8817830
4th Young Scientists Congress. The Future of Rural Areas and the Rural Areas of the Future: Opportunities for Science28 November#8817933
4th Young Scientists Congress. The Future of Rural Areas and the Rural Areas of the Future: Opportunities for Science Yelena Pevtsova, Rector, Vernadsky Russian State University of National Economy28 November#8817919
4th Young Scientists Congress. The Future of Rural Areas and the Rural Areas of the Future: Opportunities for Science28 November#8817892
4th Young Scientists Congress. The Future of Rural Areas and the Rural Areas of the Future: Opportunities for Science28 November#8817886
4th Young Scientists Congress. The Future of Rural Areas and the Rural Areas of the Future: Opportunities for Science Yekaterina Zhuravleva, Advisor to the Chairman of the Board of Directors, EFKO28 November#8817927
4th Young Scientists Congress. The Future of Rural Areas and the Rural Areas of the Future: Opportunities for Science Darya Lykassova, Head of Strategic Development of Rural Territories, Department of Rural Development, Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation28 November#8817874
4th Young Scientists Congress. The Future of Rural Areas and the Rural Areas of the Future: Opportunities for Science Darya Lykassova, Head of Strategic Development of Rural Territories, Department of Rural Development, Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation28 November#8817873
4th Young Scientists Congress. The Future of Rural Areas and the Rural Areas of the Future: Opportunities for Science Viktor Malorodov, Head of the Youth Laboratory of Histology and Histochemistry, Associate Professor, Department of Zootechnics, Researcher, Laboratory of Advanced Technologies, Russian State Agricultural University (Timiryazev Moscow Agricultural Academy)28 November#8817849
4th Young Scientists Congress. The Future of Rural Areas and the Rural Areas of the Future: Opportunities for Science Viktor Malorodov, Head of the Youth Laboratory of Histology and Histochemistry, Associate Professor, Department of Zootechnics, Researcher, Laboratory of Advanced Technologies, Russian State Agricultural University (Timiryazev Moscow Agricultural Academy)28 November#8817848
4th Young Scientists Congress. The Future of Rural Areas and the Rural Areas of the Future: Opportunities for Science28 November#8817882
4th Young Scientists Congress. The Future of Rural Areas and the Rural Areas of the Future: Opportunities for Science28 November#8817825