The 4th Young Scientists Congress. A Green Future. Could Smart Agricultural Technologies Save The Planet and Provide The Population with Food?29 November#8819622
The 4th Young Scientists Congress. A Green Future. Could Smart Agricultural Technologies Save The Planet and Provide The Population with Food? Ilya Kirov, Head of Laboratory, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (National Research University).29 November#8819603
The 4th Young Scientists Congress. A Green Future. Could Smart Agricultural Technologies Save The Planet and Provide The Population with Food? Darya Freimans, Executive Director, KlimBiotech.29 November#8819607
The 4th Young Scientists Congress. A Green Future. Could Smart Agricultural Technologies Save The Planet and Provide The Population with Food? Maxim Patrushev, Head of the Kurchatov Genome Center, National Research Center Kurchatov Institute.29 November#8819599
The 4th Young Scientists Congress. A Green Future. Could Smart Agricultural Technologies Save The Planet and Provide The Population with Food? Darya Freimans, Executive Director, KlimBiotech.29 November#8819596
The 4th Young Scientists Congress. A Green Future. Could Smart Agricultural Technologies Save The Planet and Provide The Population with Food? Rinat Zainullin, Director of the Pig Breeding Segment, Tavros.29 November#8819604
The 4th Young Scientists Congress. A Green Future. Could Smart Agricultural Technologies Save The Planet and Provide The Population with Food? Kirill Antonets, Leading Researcher, All-Russian Research Institute of Agricultural Microbiology; Associate Professor, St. Petersburg State University.29 November#8819595
The 4th Young Scientists Congress. A Green Future. Could Smart Agricultural Technologies Save The Planet and Provide The Population with Food? Maxim Patrushev, Head of the Kurchatov Genome Center, National Research Center Kurchatov Institute.29 November#8819594
The 4th Young Scientists Congress. A Green Future. Could Smart Agricultural Technologies Save The Planet and Provide The Population with Food? Darya Freimans, Executive Director, KlimBiotech.29 November#8819585
The 4th Young Scientists Congress. A Green Future. Could Smart Agricultural Technologies Save The Planet and Provide The Population with Food? Mikhail Divashuk, Leading Researcher, All-Russia Research Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology.29 November#8819577
The 4th Young Scientists Congress. A Green Future. Could Smart Agricultural Technologies Save The Planet and Provide The Population with Food? Dmitry Fedosov, Head of the Laboratory of Genetic Technologies of Viticulture and Winemaking, National Research Center Kurchatov Institute.29 November#8819569
The 4th Young Scientists Congress. A Green Future. Could Smart Agricultural Technologies Save The Planet and Provide The Population with Food? Yelena Khlestkina, Director, Federal Research Center the Vavilov All-Russian Institute of Plant Genetic Resources.29 November#8819561
The 4th Young Scientists Congress. A Green Future. Could Smart Agricultural Technologies Save The Planet and Provide The Population with Food? Mikhail Divashuk, Leading Researcher, All-Russia Research Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology.29 November#8819554
The 4th Young Scientists Congress. A Green Future. Could Smart Agricultural Technologies Save The Planet and Provide The Population with Food? Rinat Zainullin, Director of the Pig Breeding Segment, Tavros.29 November#8819548
The 4th Young Scientists Congress. A Green Future. Could Smart Agricultural Technologies Save The Planet and Provide The Population with Food? Ilya Kirov, Head of Laboratory, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (National Research University).29 November#8819513
The 4th Young Scientists Congress. A Green Future. Could Smart Agricultural Technologies Save The Planet and Provide The Population with Food? From left: Maxim Patrushev, Head of the Kurchatov Genome Center, National Research Center Kurchatov Institute; Darya Freimans, Executive Director, KlimBiotech; Mikhail Divashuk, Leading Researcher, All-Russia Research Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology; Kirill Antonets, Leading Researcher, All-Russian Research Institute of Agricultural Microbiology; Associate Professor, St. Petersburg State University; Yelena Khlestkina, Director, Federal Research Center the Vavilov All-Russian Institute of Plant Genetic Resources; Dmitry Fedosov, Head of the Laboratory of Genetic Technologies of Viticulture and Winemaking, National Research Center Kurchatov Institute; Rinat Zainullin, Director of the Pig Breeding Segment, Tavros; and Ilya Kirov, Head of Laboratory, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (National Research University).29 November#8819508
The 4th Young Scientists Congress. A Green Future. Could Smart Agricultural Technologies Save The Planet and Provide The Population with Food? Dmitry Fedosov, Head of the Laboratory of Genetic Technologies of Viticulture and Winemaking, National Research Center Kurchatov Institute.29 November#8819502
The 4th Young Scientists Congress. A Green Future. Could Smart Agricultural Technologies Save The Planet and Provide The Population with Food? Yelena Khlestkina, Director, Federal Research Center the Vavilov All-Russian Institute of Plant Genetic Resources.29 November#8819493
The 4th Young Scientists Congress. A Green Future. Could Smart Agricultural Technologies Save The Planet and Provide The Population with Food? Kirill Antonets, Leading Researcher, All-Russian Research Institute of Agricultural Microbiology; Associate Professor, St. Petersburg State University.29 November#8819485
The 4th Young Scientists Congress. A Green Future. Could Smart Agricultural Technologies Save The Planet and Provide The Population with Food? Maxim Patrushev, Head of the Kurchatov Genome Center, National Research Center Kurchatov Institute.29 November#8819482
The 4th Young Scientists Congress. A Green Future. Could Smart Agricultural Technologies Save The Planet and Provide The Population with Food? Maxim Patrushev, Head of the Kurchatov Genome Center, National Research Center Kurchatov Institute.29 November#8819615
The 4th Young Scientists Congress. A Green Future. Could Smart Agricultural Technologies Save The Planet and Provide The Population with Food? From left: Maxim Patrushev, Head of the Kurchatov Genome Center, National Research Center Kurchatov Institute; Darya Freimans, Executive Director, KlimBiotech; Mikhail Divashuk, Leading Researcher, All-Russia Research Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology; Kirill Antonets, Leading Researcher, All-Russian Research Institute of Agricultural Microbiology; Associate Professor, St. Petersburg State University; Yelena Khlestkina, Director, Federal Research Center the Vavilov All-Russian Institute of Plant Genetic Resources; Dmitry Fedosov, Head of the Laboratory of Genetic Technologies of Viticulture and Winemaking, National Research Center Kurchatov Institute; Rinat Zainullin, Director of the Pig Breeding Segment, Tavros; and Ilya Kirov, Head of Laboratory, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (National Research University).29 November#8819469