The 4th Young Scientists Congress. The Art of Success: How Can Mentors Help Apprentices Reach Their Potential. Ilya Talalay, Senior Researcher, Laboratory of Neurophysiology of Cognitive Development, Institute of Child Development, Health and Adaptation.29 November#8818625
The 4th Young Scientists Congress. The Art of Success: How Can Mentors Help Apprentices Reach Their Potential. Maxim Sorochinsky, Associate Professor of the Department of Digital and Technological Education, M.K. Ammosov Pedagogical Institute of the North-Eastern Federal University.29 November#8818613
The 4th Young Scientists Congress. The Art of Success: How Can Mentors Help Apprentices Reach Their Potential. Nikita Krasnoshchekov, Chairman of the Council of Young Scientists and Specialists, Russian Academy of Education; Associate Professor, Department of Educational Systems Management, Faculty of Pedagogical Education, Lomonosov Moscow State University.29 November#8818607
The 4th Young Scientists Congress. The Art of Success: How Can Mentors Help Apprentices Reach Their Potential. Andrey Fedorov, Director, Kamchatka branch of the United Geophysical Service Federal Research Center, Russian Academy of Sciences.29 November#8818651
The 4th Young Scientists Congress. The Art of Success: How Can Mentors Help Apprentices Reach Their Potential. Kirill Ivanov, Leading Specialist, Federal State University of Education.29 November#8818652
The 4th Young Scientists Congress. The Art of Success: How Can Mentors Help Apprentices Reach Their Potential. Julia Kopchenova, Senior Methodologist for Support of Innovative and Educational Work at the Preschool Level, ELTI-KUDITS Federal Institute of Modern Education.29 November#8818619
The 4th Young Scientists Congress. The Art of Success: How Can Mentors Help Apprentices Reach Their Potential. Olga Terekhina, Associate Professor, Department of Psychotherapy and Psychological Counseling, Tomsk State National Research University.29 November#8818654
The 4th Young Scientists Congress. The Art of Success: How Can Mentors Help Apprentices Reach Their Potential. Vladimir Barinov, Computer Science Teacher, Ryazhskaya Secondary School No. 429 November#8818659
The 4th Young Scientists Congress. The Art of Success: How Can Mentors Help Apprentices Reach Their Potential. Vita Fomenko, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory of Law and State, History and Philosophy, Deputy Dean for Educational and Social Work, Sochi State University.29 November#8818631
The 4th Young Scientists Congress. The Art of Success: How Can Mentors Help Apprentices Reach Their Potential.29 November#8818600
The 4th Young Scientists Congress. The Art of Success: How Can Mentors Help Apprentices Reach Their Potential. Gennady Onishchenko, Deputy President, Russian Academy of Education, Russian Academy of Sciences.29 November#8818609