The 4th Young Scientists Congress. Student Scientific Societies at The Equator of The Decade of Science and Technology.29 November#8819435
The 4th Young Scientists Congress. Student Scientific Societies at The Equator of The Decade of Science and Technology. Alexandra Reguzova, Acting Director of the Department for Development of Research Activities and Scientific Communications, Far Eastern Federal University; Director of the Department of General and Experimental Physics, Institute of High Technologies and Advanced Materials, Far Eastern Federal University.29 November#8819486
The 4th Young Scientists Congress. Student Scientific Societies at The Equator of The Decade of Science and Technology. From left: Agnia Borodina, Chairperson of the Student Scientific Society, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI; Alexandra Reguzova, Acting Director of the Department for Development of Research Activities and Scientific Communications, Far Eastern Federal University; Director of the Department of General and Experimental Physics, Institute of High Technologies and Advanced Materials, Far Eastern Federal University; Ali Asadov, Head of the Department for Support of the Decade of Science and Technology, Ministry of Science and Higher; Yekaterina Zimakova, Chairperson of the Student Union, Lomonosov Moscow State University; Head, Vernadsky All-Russian Student Club; Yelena Maslenkova, Chairoerson, Council of Young Scientists of Medical and Pharmaceutical Organizations of Higher Education and Science of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation; Alexei Yegorov, Director of the student office, curator of SSS, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI.29 November#8819494
The 4th Young Scientists Congress. Student Scientific Societies at The Equator of The Decade of Science and Technology. Yekaterina Zimakova, Chairperson of the Student Union, Lomonosov Moscow State University; Head, The 4th Young Scientists Congress. Student Scientific Societies at The Equator of The Decade of Science and Technology. Vernadsky All-Russian Student Club.29 November#8819473
The 4th Young Scientists Congress. Student Scientific Societies at The Equator of The Decade of Science and Technology.29 November#8819477
The 4th Young Scientists Congress. Student Scientific Societies at The Equator of The Decade of Science and Technology. From left: Agnia Borodina, Chairperson of the Student Scientific Society, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI; Ali Asadov, Head of the Department for Support of the Decade of Science and Technology, Ministry of Science and Higher; Yekaterina Zimakova, Chairperson of the Student Union, Lomonosov Moscow State University; Head, Vernadsky All-Russian Student Club; Yelena Maslenkova, Chairoerson, Council of Young Scientists of Medical and Pharmaceutical Organizations of Higher Education and Science of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation; Alexei Yegorov, Director of the student office, curator of SSS, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI.29 November#8819468
The 4th Young Scientists Congress. Student Scientific Societies at The Equator of The Decade of Science and Technology. Alexei Yegorov, Director of the student office, curator of SSS, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI.29 November#8819446
The 4th Young Scientists Congress. Student Scientific Societies at The Equator of The Decade of Science and Technology. Agnia Borodina, Chairperson of the Student Scientific Society, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI.29 November#8819430
The 4th Young Scientists Congress. Student Scientific Societies at The Equator of The Decade of Science and Technology. Agnia Borodina, Chairperson of the Student Scientific Society, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI.29 November#8819422
The 4th Young Scientists Congress. Student Scientific Societies at The Equator of The Decade of Science and Technology.29 November#8819455
The 4th Young Scientists Congress. Student Scientific Societies at The Equator of The Decade of Science and Technology. From left: Ali Asadov, Head of the Department for Support of the Decade of Science and Technology, Ministry of Science and Higher; Yekaterina Zimakova, Chairperson of the Student Union, Lomonosov Moscow State University; Head, Vernadsky All-Russian Student Club; Yelena Maslenkova, Chairoerson, Council of Young Scientists of Medical and Pharmaceutical Organizations of Higher Education and Science of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation; Alexei Yegorov, Director of the student office, curator of SSS, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI.29 November#8819483
The 4th Young Scientists Congress. Student Scientific Societies at The Equator of The Decade of Science and Technology. From left: Agnia Borodina, Chairperson of the Student Scientific Society, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI; Ali Asadov, Head of the Department for Support of the Decade of Science and Technology, Ministry of Science and Higher; Yekaterina Zimakova, Chairperson of the Student Union, Lomonosov Moscow State University; Head, Vernadsky All-Russian Student Club; Yelena Maslenkova, Chairoerson, Council of Young Scientists of Medical and Pharmaceutical Organizations of Higher Education and Science of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation; Alexei Yegorov, Director of the student office, curator of SSS, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI.29 November#8819418
The 4th Young Scientists Congress. Student Scientific Societies at The Equator of The Decade of Science and Technology. Agnia Borodina, Chairperson of the Student Scientific Society, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI.29 November#8819459
The 4th Young Scientists Congress. Student Scientific Societies at The Equator of The Decade of Science and Technology. Ali Asadov, Head of the Department for Support of the Decade of Science and Technology, Ministry of Science and Higher Education.29 November#8819452
The 4th Young Scientists Congress. Student Scientific Societies at The Equator of The Decade of Science and Technology. Yekaterina Zimakova, Chairperson of the Student Union, Lomonosov Moscow State University; Head, The 4th Young Scientists Congress. Student Scientific Societies at The Equator of The Decade of Science and Technology. Vernadsky All-Russian Student Club.29 November#8819601