The 4th Young Scientists Congress. A New Look at the World Order: The Differences That Unite Us.29 November#8818676
The 4th Young Scientists Congress. A New Look at the World Order: The Differences That Unite Us. Galina Ershova, Head, Knorozov Mesoamerican Center of the Russian State University for the Humanities.29 November#8818650
The 4th Young Scientists Congress. A New Look at the World Order: The Differences That Unite Us. Dmitry Zelenov, Postgraduate Student, Russian State University for the Humanities.29 November#8818672
The 4th Young Scientists Congress. A New Look at the World Order: The Differences That Unite Us. Gabriel Dourado Rocha, Postgraduate Student, Faculty of Law, Patrice Lumumba Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.29 November#8818680
The 4th Young Scientists Congress. A New Look at the World Order: The Differences That Unite Us. Asel Ishanova, Chief Expert of the Department of Personnel Work and Information Security of the Apparatus, Senate of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan; Doctoral Student, Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilyov.29 November#8818668
The 4th Young Scientists Congress. A New Look at the World Order: The Differences That Unite Us. Galina Borisova, Junior Researcher, Knorozov Mesoamerican Center, Russian State University for the Humanities.29 November#8818683
The 4th Young Scientists Congress. A New Look at the World Order: The Differences That Unite Us. Olga Pavlenko, Vice-Rector for Scientific and Project Activities, Professor of the Department of Foreign Regional Studies and Foreign Policy at the School of International Relations and Foreign Regional Studies of the Russian State University for the Humanities.29 November#8818686
The 4th Young Scientists Congress. A New Look at the World Order: The Differences That Unite Us. Pavel Alipov, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of History for Academic Affairs, Russian State University for the Humanities.29 November#8818691
The 4th Young Scientists Congress. A New Look at the World Order: The Differences That Unite Us. Galina Ershova, Head, Knorozov Mesoamerican Center of the Russian State University for the Humanities.29 November#8818718
The 4th Young Scientists Congress. A New Look at the World Order: The Differences That Unite Us. Andrey Loginov, Acting Rector, Russian State University for the Humanities.29 November#8818726
The 4th Young Scientists Congress. A New Look at the World Order: The Differences That Unite Us. Andrey Loginov, Acting Rector, Russian State University for the Humanities.29 November#8818662
The 4th Young Scientists Congress. A New Look at the World Order: The Differences That Unite Us. Andrey Loginov, Acting Rector, Russian State University for the Humanities.29 November#8818710
The 4th Young Scientists Congress. A New Look at the World Order: The Differences That Unite Us. Larisa Sivolap, Acting Rector, Kuindzhi Mariupol State University.29 November#8818704
The 4th Young Scientists Congress. A New Look at the World Order: The Differences That Unite Us. Larisa Sivolap, Acting Rector, Kuindzhi Mariupol State University.29 November#8818661